Turpentine Block Parquetry flooring Australian Species
Turpentine Block Parquetry flooring Australian Species
Block Parquetry can be laid individually to create an attractive pattern. Contrasting colour timber species can be used to create depth in the design. There are many popular patterns in Boral block parquetry. Alternatively, custom patterns or feature blocks can be created. Parquetry is an extremely durable floor covering making it the perfect solution for heavy traffic areas such as halls, steps, entrance ways and even commercial interiors. It can be laid down in countless patterns, limited only by the imagination. Should a small section be seriously damaged it can be easily replaced, and after years of wear the entire floor can be restored by sanding and refinishing.
Species: Blackbutt, Ironbark, Australian Beech, Brushbox, Spotted Gum, Sydney Blue Gum, Tallow Wood, Turpentine, Tasmanian Oak
Colour Stains: Raw
Size: 260 x 65 x 18 mm
Grades: Classic
Coverage: 1.352 m2 /box
Packaging: 80 pieces / box
Install Suitability: Glued over:
Install Over: Concrete slab , Old timber flooring, Plywood subfloor, Particleboard subfloor
Manufacturer: Boral
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